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Online Workshops & Courses

Have you ever wanted to visit us but found it challenging due to time and travel constraints? If you're passionate about crafts and eager to learn new techniques for your masterpieces, we're delighted to bring this opportunity straight to your home. Explore our video workshops and classes curated by Gigi and team of GIGIPAYNE!

Ecoprint Online Course



4 video, 30 min

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  • Ecoprint Essential Online Course

    Explore ecoprinting and natural dyeing in a workshop guided by Gigi Payne.
    • Detailed video process
    • Additional Materials
    • QA from Gigi
    • Lifetime access
    • Essential info to become a pro

Develop Your Textile Artist Skills with Ecoprinting Techniques

Learn the Fundamentals and Advanced Techniques of Using Leaves to Create Beautiful Prints on Your Fabrics

Welcome to the world of ecoprinting, a captivating art form rooted in ancient cultures and deeply connected to nature. In this online course, you'll explore the art of creating stunning accessories using leaves and flowers to craft unique textures and patterns on your textiles. Discover the best plants and materials for your projects with comprehensive video tutorials by Gigi Payne, a pioneer of eco-printing in Thailand. Gigi, an accomplished fashion textile designer, draws inspiration from nature's significant shapes and colors in her work, celebrating the beauty of intimate moments through her craft.

Gigi will introduce you to essential ecoprinting techniques, natural dyes, and botanical materials used for printing. You'll learn how to prepare and use fabrics and dyes, choose the right leaves, and master the techniques of ecoprinting. By the end of the course, you will understand the entire process of this craft and be able to apply it anywhere, no matter where you are located.

No matter your skill level, Gigi's teachings will empower you to bring your textiles to life, expressing the unique beauty of nature through intense and original fashion scarves.

Course Highlights

  • 7 different final color designs

  • 4 videos, providing detailed video guides

  • Comprehensive materials list

  • Tips and tricks for preserving materials and ingredients

  • Detailed text guidebook about fabrics, plants, dyes, and more

Final Project

Your final project in this ecoprinting course will be to create a captivating scarf with ecoprinted patterns using various dyes of your choice presented in this course. Gigi's teachings will help you enjoy the process of textile design, follow your artistic flow, and apply the techniques learned to various items, including tops, bags, and other fashion accessories, as well as leather and glass.

Requirements and Materials:

To embark on this inspiring artistic journey, all you need is enthusiasm and a well-prepared space and materials. Gigi will guide you step-by-step through the course, so no prior experience in ecoprinting or textile design is necessary.

Join Gigi Payne's ecoprinting course today and start creating beautiful, nature-inspired textile art!

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