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Ecoprinting: One-Day Fabric Printing Course with Leaves and Flowers in Bangkok

Welcome to the World of Ecoprint

Welcome to the world of ecoprinting, a captivating art form rooted in ancient cultures and deeply connected to nature. In this course, you'll explore the art of creating stunning accessories using leaves, flowers and barks to craft unique textures and patterns on your textiles using only natural materials. Guided by Gigi Payne, a pioneer of ecoprinting in Thailand, you'll learn how to harness the beauty of the natural world in your craft.

Ecoprinting — a fascinating art and craft form, finds its origins in early indigenous cultures. Traditionally, it was practiced by various communities worldwide, from the Maori in New Zealand to the Indigenous peoples of North America. These artisans harnessed the power of botanical imprints to adorn textiles and preserve the beauty of nature in their craft. Now, eco-printing has evolved into a modern art form, allowing artists and craft enthusiasts to create stunning designs with natural materials.

Workshop Highlights

Introduction to Eco-Printing

Discover the history and origins of eco-printing as a sustainable and eco-friendly art form. Learn about the different plant materials used for printing and the science behind capturing their pigments on fabric.

Material Selection

Explore a variety of organic fabrics and plant specimens provided for the workshop. Participants can select their preferred materials to create personalized eco-prints.

Preparing Botanical Bundles

Learn the art of bundling and arranging plant materials on fabric. Create visually appealing compositions that translate into beautiful prints.

Mordants and Modifiers

Understand the role of mordants and modifiers in enhancing and altering the colors of your eco-prints. Experiment with different solutions to achieve a diverse range of hues and effects.

The Printing Process

Engage in the hands-on process of eco-printing. Wrap, bundle, and process your creations, witnessing the natural pigments transfer onto the fabric to create unique designs.

Unveiling Your Masterpieces

After the process, unwrap your bundles to reveal the captivating imprints left by nature. Learn techniques for finishing and preserving your eco-prints to ensure their longevity.

Q&A and Discussion

Conclude the workshop with a Q&A session. Share experiences, ask questions, and discuss potential applications of eco-printing in various artistic projects.

What You Will Get

  • Two Beautiful Handmade Cotton Scarves (Big Size): Each scarf will feature an eco-printed pattern crafted during the workshop.

  • Tips and Tricks for Preserving Materials and Ingredients: Learn how to maintain the quality of your materials.

  • Detailed Text Guidebook:

    Gain in-depth knowledge about fabrics, plants, dyes, and more, allowing you to recreate eco-printing wherever you are.

Ecoprinting workshop Experience

Basic principles of working with ecoprint or natural dyes:

  • Do Not Harm Nature: Always be mindful of your impact on the environment.

  • Use Only Natural Fibers and Dyes: Ensure your materials are eco-friendly.

  • Be Observant When Looking for Leaves: Select leaves and flowers with care.

  • Do Not Be Afraid to Test and Experiment: Embrace the creative process.

  • Understand That Nature Is an Artist Too: The final result may differ from your expectations.

  • Be Patient: Eco-printing is a slow art that rewards patience.

No matter your skill level, Gigi's teachings will empower you to bring your textiles to life, expressing the unique beauty of nature through intense and original fashion scarves. In our upcoming workshop, you'll have the opportunity to create your own eco-printed scarf, a versatile accessory that will showcase your artistic prowess and connection to nature. This workshop also available in mini-session course format. Please contact us for more information.


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